Displaying 17 - 24 of 431 articles
"The economic outlook depends upon the fundamentals, policy choices & confidence. Lose confidence and it deters people from spending or firms from investing. Realism is needed but get the balance right. Don't talk yourself into a downturn," says Gerard Lyons, Chief Economic Strategist at Netwealth.
"A strategy that goes for growth is needed, but the options are more constrained now, so it looks as though we will get higher taxes." Gerard Lyons, Netwealth
“As with any sensible investment strategy, you should also ensure you pay attention to the factors which make a real difference, such as keeping investment management fees low and being broadly diversified.”
As Tom Kimche, head of advice at Netwealth, explains, BR was originally designed to prevent small business owners from needing to liquidate a longstanding business in order to pay IHT on the owner’s death.
“There are important lessons from 1987, not least keeping falls in financial markets in context.”
“This is a scenario we often see – many people set aside meaningful sums for the future, but neglect to think about how managing it more effectively could make their pot last longer and help them achieve their goals”
‘With the economy improving the case for an immediate rate cut may have been dampened, but low inflation and a stronger pound means an early rate cut is still very likely,’ said Gerard Lyons, chief economist at wealth manager Netwealth.
Even if you’ve retired completely, it’s worth making use of the annual gross allowance of £3,600 that can be paid into a pension, says Tom Kimche, head of advice at Netwealth."